6.4 Redirect SCA technical details


The logic flow for the SCA redirection is similar to the authentication flow, the main difference is that for the SCA case the URL is created by the ASPSP and returned to the CBI Globe as output parameter of the scaInitiationRequest (aspspScaUrl) API. The ASPSP can include into the URL the parameter received through the scaInitiationRequest, for example:

  • tpp-redirect-uri: URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected to after a Redirect;
  • tpp-nok-redirect-uri: URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the redirect SCA method.

The above values are sent by the TPP as input parameter of the paymentInitiationRequest and establishConsent APIs. The TPP can receives the URL as output parameter of the paymentInitiationRequest, establishConsent, updatePaymentResource, updateConsent and getPaymentStatus APIs.

The ASPSP will receive from the PSU client the same URL that itself has generated during the scaInitiationRequest API execution.